Citizens Outraged Due to the Drying Up of Fountains. City Inspections Still Refuse to Halt Construction and Prevent Further Fountain Drying (VIDEO)
In response to numerous reports from the Association”Za Drinking Fountains” and the public utility company “Vodovod” regarding the illegal artesian well in Zaječar, city inspection services responded after four days, stating that they do not have the jurisdiction to take action. Citizens are concerned about the drying up of fountains in the “Ključ 3” settlement and are now using the only artesian fountain in the area.
Source: Zamedia
This media content was produced within the project “Environmental response to mining expansion in Timočka Krajina” funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Association “Za Drinking Fountains”, the Association of Young Researchers Bor, Civic Library “Europe” Bor and Children’s Center Zaječar. The media content is entirely responsibility of these associations and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.