The Legalization of Artesian Fountains in Zaječar Continues
In the City Administration of Zaječar, on February 8, 2023, a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the mayor of the City of Zaječar, Boško Ničić, representatives of the Public Utility Company “Vodovod” and the Association “Za Drinking Fountains” was held. The subject of the meeting was consideration of changing the Decision of this Ministry from October 2022, by which the artesian
water at 8 fountains in Zaječar was declared as technical water.
At the meeting, it was agreed that the disputed Decision of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, which placed the artesian waters in Zaječar in the category of technical water, should be changed and that the artesian water should be classified in the category of drinking water with the new decision. In this way, the new solution will reflect the real situation in Zaječar, which means that the water from artesian fountains is safe to be used as drinking water. This is shown by the analyzes of competent institutions, as well as its long lasting usage by citizens.
It is an initial and necessary step towards further procedures for the legalization of Zaječar fountains, said after the meeting Boban Pogarčić, president of the Association “Za Drinking Fountains”.
The Association “Za Drinking Fountains” and the City of Zaječar started the process of legalizing artesian fountains in 2018. During that time, extensive studies and research were carried out, which no city in Serbia has so far undertaken to protect natural water as a public good. Therefore, it is of great importance that this meeting was held, which is a step towards the final goal – the protection of the entire water supply in Zaječar, i.e. protection the city’s greatest treasure – deep drinking water.
Association “Za Drinking Fountains”
This text was produced within the project “Environmental response to mining expansion in Timočka Krajina” funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Association “Za Drinking Fountains”, the Association of Young Researchers Bor, Civic Library “Europe” Bor and Children’s Center Zaječar. The content of the text is entirely responsibility of these associations and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.