The continuation of collaboration between Heineken Serbia, the City of Zaječar, and the Association “Za Drinking Fountains”
On Thursday, September 28, Company “Heineken Serbia” will sign an agreement to continue collaboration with the City of Zaječar and the Association “Za Drinking Fountains.” By the end of the year, they will renovate three fountains and one artesian well within the territory of the city of Zaječar.
Additionally, representatives of Heineken and the National Alliance for Local and Economic Development (NALED) will sign a long-term collaboration agreement on the same day at the City Administration in Zaječar, initiating the REZERVOAR project.
The goals of this project include raising awareness about the importance of preserving and recovering Serbia’s natural water resources and improving access to clean drinking water for citizens. This will be achieved through the restoration of public fountains and artesian wells, with a focus on Novi Sad and Zaječar, wastewater treatment, education, student visits to the company’s breweries, and the implementation of numerous volunteer actions for employees.
The event is scheduled for 1:00 PM.
Source: Zamedia