
The ‘Ecological Hour’ Show (LIVE)

In the “Ecological Hour” show, there will be discussions about legal proceedings against foreign companies for environmental pollution and damage initiated by the Regulatory Institute for Renewable Energy and the Environment (RERI) in eastern Serbia. The guests on the show will be Mirko Popović, RERI’s Program Director, and Ljubica Vukčević, RERI’s lawyer.

The show will be broadcasted on the “Za media” portal through a live stream on Tuesday, March 28, starting at 2:00 PM. Simultaneously, it can be followed on the YouTube channels and Facebook pages of “Za media” and “Za cesme.”

The “Ecological Hour” show is part of the project “Environmental Response in Timočka Krajina,” co-financed by the EU and implemented by the Association “Za Drinking Fountains” in collaboration with partner organizations from Bor and Zaječar.