
The animated film ‘Grey Days,’ produced by the Association ‘Za Drinking Fountains’, in the competition selection of the 70th Belgrade March Festival

The animated film “Grey Days” was created from the screenplay and directed by Stevan Vojvodić, with art design by Ana Nedeljković. The executive producer is Milina Trišić, and the film is produced by the Association “Za Drinking Fountains” from Zaječar. “Grey Days” will have its world premiere tonight at the March Festival – the 70th Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival.

The film is part of the competitive program in the Animated Film selection, alongside 10 other works in this genre. It will be screened tonight at 7:00 PM in the “Amerikana” hall of the Belgrade Youth Center.

The theme of this animated film revolves around the life of a sick boy in Bor, a city with the most polluted air in Serbia, and his friendship with a bird that lands on his window, bringing a little joy to his grey days. “Grey Days” was produced in 2022 as part of the project “Environmental Response to Mining Expansion in Timočka Krajina,” co-financed by the EU and implemented by the Association “Za Drinking Fountains” with partner organizations from Bor and Zaječar.

The March Festival, one of the oldest film festivals in Europe and the world, lasts for 6 days this year (from March 28 to April 2) and celebrates a significant anniversary, marking 70 years since its establishment, a milestone no other film festival in Serbia or former Yugoslavia has reached.

Traditionally, the festival presents a rich film program in several national competitive categories: documentary films under 50 and over 50 minutes, experimental film and video art, animated film, and short fiction film. The international competitive program will feature all genres of short films.

The jury for this year’s festival, responsible for deciding on awards, includes: Joško Marušić, film director, screenwriter, animator, cartoonist, and professor (Croatia), as the jury president; Želimir Gvardiol, film director, screenwriter, and producer (Serbia); Narcisa Darijević Marković, film and television director, screenwriter, and professor (Serbia); Aleš Pavlin, film and television producer, and professor (Slovenia); and Pjer Žalica, film and television director, screenwriter, and professor (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The March Festival is traditionally a meeting place for filmmakers from the country and abroad, producers, distributors, representatives of renowned film festivals, journalists, critics, students, and professionals. It serves as a platform for the promotion of documentary, animated, short, and experimental films, inspiring the development of new ideas and offering the local audience a chance to see exciting, carefully selected current titles not typically available in regular cinemas.

Source: Zamedia